On friday I had the obligatory poker league game. Our furnishing was extended by a fridge and a microwave this time.

The big surprise was, that I actually ended first place. That´s pretty unusual for me. To commemorate this, I took a photo of my winning hand:
On Saturday, a friend gave a party to celebrate his birthday. It was interesting and funny. What bugs me, though, is that we seem to adopt the behaviour of our parents. After finishing dinner, the men separated from the women. We told old army stories and let the women have their talk about whatever women talk about when they are among themselves. I have never noticed this to happen before. A sign of old age probably? I´ll have to keep an eye on it on further occasions.
On Sunday morning we went to the shooting range. It´s perfect for clearing your thoughts and just live for the moment. Besides, I love the smell of gunpowder in the morning....
All in all, a perfect weekend.